
Brand Concept


自由なイマジネーションからアトリエにて1点ずつ製作されるブランドアイコン的イメージピースは ショーやパーティーシーンをイメージした大振りで華やかなコスチュームジュエリーです。女性の流れる様なしなやかなカーブと同調した流麗なデザインや建築物の様な造形的で構築的なデザインなど無駄をそぎおとした美しいラインとシルエット。身につける事で新たな美しさを発見して頂けたら幸いです。

According to me, more than the mere creation of new objects, jewellery design is like searching for treasures. You search for treasures that no one has seen yet. While some of those treasures might be found unexpectedly, there are other ones for which you have to search with all your might. Then when you find something, you start to feel a tiny little bit proud of yourself.

The iconic jewel pieces reflecting the brand image are made one by one at the atelier, following my free imagination: conceived with shows or party scenes in mind. They consist of large size and gorgeous costume-jewellery.
You can find some flowing elegant designs in harmony with the gracious, supple feminine curves, or some designs shaped as architectural or sculptural structures. All the silhouettes and lines are cleared of excess.
I hope that by wearing my work, you will discover a new beauty.

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Misaki Uramoto
